Corporate Sustainability Report 2023

Microfinanza is pleased to present its third Corporate Sustainability Report!

26th september 2024

Since 2002, Microfinanza’s mission has been to enhance and sustain financial inclusion on a global scale. In our vision, financial inclusion is part of a greater path of freedom from discrimination, for a world that grants everyone opportunities and rights, respect for diversity and an authentic environmental sustainability.

Our daily work focuses on promoting financial and social inclusion through continuous innovation and experimentation, to always seeking new solutions to ever-changing and increasing needs and fragilities. We combine passion and expertise to foster inclusive development, with close attention to local contexts, cultures, people, and the environment. Each of our initiatives is not just a replication of past successes; instead, we consistently push forward, believing that true progress comes from innovating models and work patterns to achieve meaningful results in promoting greater inclusiveness.

Over time, our company has expanded and had the opportunity to work in a wide range of geographic areas, including Latin America, Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, and the MENA Region. These regions are constantly evolving and, in recent years have faced renewed crises and conflicts that undermine their stability. Additionally, the increasing impact of climate change presents further challenges. In this context, resilience alone is not enough; what is required is a fundamental shift in paradigms.

With this Sustainability Report, we aim to provide a clear view of our approach, confirming our commitment in terms of innovation, ethics and sustainability. This report reflects who we are, how we operate, and how our efforts positively impact the quality of life for individuals, territories and communities by enhancing their social and environmental capital. This third report represent an important internal exercise that has allowed us to reflect on ourself, analyze our data, and interpret them from a new perspective, with the aim of improve and grow as Company.

With 24 years of experience, Microfinanza is part of a group that grows and innovates across various themes related to financial inclusion and sustainable finance. We continue to believe in the power of ideas. Our group is made of people with complementary cultural profiles and backgrounds who have shared a common path since the very beginning of Microfinanza’s start-up.

Collaboration is one of our strengths. Our approach is rooted in a sense of responsibility and shared goals. Even with most of our team working remotely, we believe in the importance of meeting, engaging and learning from the field to fully understand different contexts and inspire innovation.

As a company engaged in sustainable finance, we are committed to continually seeking sustainability in its broadest sense, encompassing economic, financial, social, environmental, and governance dimensions.

We hope this report serves as a reference point for you, encouraging the formation of alliances to build a better future, through common goals and shared strategies. We invite you to read it and engage with us, sharing your feedback and suggestions, which we are eager to hear and implement.

Giampietro Pizzo, President of Microfinanza

The Principle of the Hiding Hand:

“…since we necessarily underestimate our creativity it is desirable that we underestimate to a roughly similar extent the difficulties of the tasks we face, so as to be tricked by these two offsetting underestimates into undertaking tasks which we can, but otherwise would not dare, tackle.”

Albert O. Hirschman

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