Our methodology leverages a twenty-year international experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of projects and institutions operating in the field of financial inclusion. We believe that the setting up of a reliable and tailor-made measurement system is paramount to ensure vision, transparency and sustainable impact of any intervention.
We target multiple types of actors such as agencies, financial services providers, social enterprises, NGOs, business development centers and/or programs looking for external evaluations or implementation of internal data collection systems for tracking changes in their clients’ lives.
Our approach and tools include a global set of outcomes indicators carefully selected and refined among those suggested by some of the best-known international best practices (SPTF, CERISE, SPI4, CGAP) and the main poverty assessment tools (Probability Poverty Index PPI and poverty scorecards) coupled with duly adapted evaluation tools.
Gottfried Leibniz
Indicators are grouped into three main categories evaluating different dimensions of sustainability, linked to the UN sustainable development goals. This holistic approach looking at different levels of sustainability is not limited to evaluation activities only, but it constantly guides our overall training, capacity building and technical assistance interventions.
The indicators focus on the most financially vulnerable social actors.
Microfinanza has also gathered and developed specific socio-economic indicators at institutional level for allowing financial services providers to track and assess their financial and social performances over time.
Categories of sustainability indicators
1. Social Capital indicators
2. Economic Capital indicators
3. Environmental Capital indicators